School Uniform
*If students are going outside at break or lunchtime, coats should only be put on as they go out of the door and should be taken off before they enter the building.
Healthy Active Kit
All items branded with the school logo can be purchased from Price & Buckland - please note that tight fitting black cycle shorts should only be worn underneath regular shorts and not on their own.
The following items are permitted:
No other piercings are allowed. The wearing of other jewellery is expressly forbidden for reasons of safety and hygiene. Persistent wearing of inappropriate jewellery will lead to it being confiscated.
Uniform Ordering & Measuring Guide - Price & Buckland
The following dress policy will apply to the wearing of mufti: • Students should wear clothing of a modest nature suitable for a learning and work environment and should therefore not be revealing or too short. • Leggings can be worn provided they are worn with another piece of clothing, for example mid-thigh length skirt/top/tailored shorts/tunic. • Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times. • The standard of dress is to be tidy, casual clothing. • Any student is free to wear normal school uniform.
Examples of inappropriate clothing: • Flip-flops and very high heels. • Miniskirts or very short non-tailored shorts. • Clothing displaying offensive logos, drug, alcohol or tobacco-related slogans or statements. • Tops or clothes that show a bare midriff or reveal underwear. • Tops that do not cover the bra front and back. Shoulder straps must be of reasonable width. • Leggings without an appropriate length top. • Any see-through clothing that reveals underwear. • No facial piercings or ear stretchers. • No bandanas. • No body art, for example henna, unless connected to cultural traditions.
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