Below you can find lots of information on each level of the Award, what is involved and how it all works at Southfield School.
Bronze Award
We launch the Bronze Award to Year 9 students in September each year, who then complete their award over the course of the school year, taking part in training sessions and numerous workshops and activities. The expedition section is the main focus of school, training sessions will take place on a Wednesday afternoon and a full calendar of events is published once you are signed up. In these sessions participants will cover the ‘DofE Expedition Training Framework’ in order for you to be adequately prepared to go on their practice and qualifying expedition in terms 5 and 6 respectively.
Silver Award
Once the Bronze level is completed students are welcome to move on to Silver in Y10. Training takes place in a similar way to Bronze but will be less frequent, with the expeditions taking place during the week in July.
Gold Award
Gold is available to Y12/13 only and the expeditions move away from the traditional method of walking. Instead they take place along the River Severn and the River Wye in open Canadian canoes.
The expeditions take place in July and August*. At Gold level your certificate and badge is presented at a ‘Gold Award Presentation’ event at a number of royal venues around the UK featuring many more gold award achievers from lots of different centres. These tend to take place up to 18 months after you have finished your award.
At gold there is also a residential section to complete. Before anything is booked or paid for the residential activity must be approved by the DofE Manager. You can use the forms below (residential ideas / residential approval form) for more information.