Academic Year 2020 - 2021
School lead: Lyndsay Roe Funding: £153 197
Pupil information:
Qualifying pupils for pupil premium
Free school meals
(Current & Ever6)
Adopted from care
Children in care
Service families
Numbers involved
Barriers to Learning
In-school barriers
Literacy skills across all year groups required for a solid foundation for good progress in GCSE years
Basic numeracy skills across all year groups required as a foundation for good progress in GCSE years.
Disadvantaged students who are classed as ‘middle ability’ from their KS2 assessments making less progress by the end of KS4 than their peers
Disadvantaged students, particularly those eligible for free school meals, showing a lower “Learner Self Regard” than non-disadvantaged students
Substantial proportion of disadvantaged students (15%) also with Special Educational Needs.
External barriers
Attendance issues for small groups of pupils eligible for Pupil Premium having a detrimental effect on their academic progress (including medical issues that result in lower attendance for disadvantaged students).
Emotional instability – access to EHWB, as well as other significant external factors which require family support (often having knock in impact on attendance of disadvantaged students).
Social & Financial instability - access to equipment, uniform, revision materials, transport to school (sometimes resulting in lower attendance in disadvantaged students or lack of engagement with independent learning outside of school and hence not maximising progress).
Parental engagement
Targets for this Academic Year:
- Further close the gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged student outcomes.
Barriers addressed by target: A, B, C, D, E, G, H, I
- Address issues that caused loss of learning during closure
Barriers addressed by target: A, D, E, G, H, I
- Increase disadvantaged student attendance and engagement
Barriers addressed by target: D, F, G, H, I
Spending Plan:
- Staffing costs with pedagogical development and sharing across the curriculum, with particular focus on literacy and numeracy.
- Introduction of Staff Project Fund to aid in development and sharing of pedagogy
- Funding to support students increase cultural capital by engaging with school trips and arts education
- Funding for Family Support Worker
- Family support for: uniform, lockers, equipment and resources, temporary transport issues and breakfast
- Staffing costs associated with the National Tutoring Programme
- External careers advisor costs
- Costs for resources to be used for redeveloped InspireEd programme
Action plan:
Description of support
Further close the gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged student outcomes.
Family Support Worker available to work directly with disadvantaged families.
Financial assistance for school trips to increase cultural capital and aspirations
External Careers Advisor appointments for disadvantaged students
Financial assistance for arts education including music tuition to increase cultural capital and aspirations
Use of IT software to raise staff awareness of disadvantaged students
Staff project fund launched to assist with purchasing resources for use with students
National Tuition Programme used for small group and 1:1 tuition
Staff CPD on Wednesday afternoons to enable discussion and development of pedagogy
- Communication log
- Individual student records
- Student voice
- Parent voice
- Staff voice
- PASS survey analysis
- Reading age analysis
- PTM analysis
- Progress report analysis
- GCSE data analysis
- Learning walks/drop-ins
- Attendance data analysis
- Post-16 applications
- Audit of seating plans
- Analysis of staff project fund usage
Address issues that caused loss of learning during closure
Individual student barriers identified and addressed
Access and referral to external, qualified counsellors
Provision of resources to enable effective blended learning
Application to Government initiative to provide ICT facilities to disadvantaged students in further blended learning situations
- Communication log
- Individual student records
- Student voice
- PASS survey analysis
- Progress report analysis
Increase disadvantaged student attendance and engagement
Family Support Worker and Attendance Officer to work with families and EIPT to increase attendance
Attendance incentives used to promote positive attendance
Provision of breakfast/break snack for students entitled to free school meals
Financial assistance for uniform, removing a barrier to attendance
Re-designed InspireEd programme to be re-launched once Covid restrictions allow. The new programme will utilise activities from lockdown as a base for conversations focusing on aspirations and resilience
- Communication log
- Individual student records
- PASS survey analysis
- Attendance data analysis
- Analysis of budget
- Sanctions analysis
- Student voice
- Form time learning walks
This plan will be reviewed annually.