How will my child access any online remote education you are providing?
All staff and students at Southfield have a Microsoft Office 365 account that allows them access to a broad range of applications such as:
- Outlook (email)
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft PowerPoint
- Microsoft Excel

As part of this package, we use Microsoft Teams as our main 'hub' for communcation and delivering out curriculum to our students remotely. Teams can be accessed in a number of ways, which allows staff and students to work together flexibly.
How do I get my login details?
Teams login details are the same as normal school IT login details.
How do I login to Teams?
Route 1: Visit, where you will be asked to sign in. Use your school login details (username starting with 'IT' and your password). Teams will show on the dashboard with all the office applications.
Route 2: Visit directly, where you will be asked to sign in.
You can also download the application for easy use on iOS, Android, Windows and Mac OS.
If you require support with using Teams, then please visit our support page here:
Additional Digital Learning Platforms
Aside from Teams as our 'hub', curriculum subjects will also use a range of carefully selected digital plaforms to engage, teach, asssess and feedback to our students.
Highlights include:
- Century Tech
- Seneca
- Kerboodle
- Bedrock Vocabulary
Details of all of these platforms can be found here:
If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?
We recognise that some students may not have suitable online access at home. We take the following approaches to support those pupils to access remote education:
How do we issue or lend devices (such as laptops), or provide support with internet access to students, and where parents or carers can find more information?
We will be in regular contact with families during any period of remote learning and will be actively asking about access to suitable devices and stable internet connections.
We have been given a limited number of extra devices and pre-paid data dongles to support students with barriers to accessing their learning from home.
We are also able to apply for mobile data uplifts on behalf of families who meet certain criteria. Please see details of this scheme here:
If you wish to raise access arrangements directly, then please contact your daughter’s form tutor and give them any details – this is best via direct email or by using [email protected]. This can be investigated further and addressed by the relevant senior leader.
How can students access any printed materials needed if they do not have online access?
If suitable devices or help with internet connections are not available for a period of time, we will provide printed materials each week if necessary. Details of the delivery of resources and the collection of any completed learning will be provided directly to those affected.