Sixth Form Expectations


The demands of Sixth Form study are great. The new ‘reformed’ A Levels require students to be on top of their studies at all times. They cannot afford to leave everything until the last few months – there is just too much to learn.

Not only is the quantity of what students are expected to acquire vast, but they are expected to demonstrate higher order intellectual skills alongside this.

To succeed, we advise that students do a minimum of 3 hours’ study per subject per week.


Students are expected to respect others’ right to learn in lessons, and when using other facilities; e.g. the study room, the library or computer rooms, they do not adversely affect the learning of others.

Attendance and Punctuality

Students are expected to attend all school sessions and to be punctual to both form time and lessons.


As a member of the Sixth Form, students will be a role model and a leader. Students are expected to set the correct example at all times. This includes following our Sixth Form dress code and the whole school behaviour policy.

Dress code

Students are expected to abide by our dress code at all times - smart business wear.


  • Smart trousers in a dark colour.
  • Stripes and patterns are permitted.
  • Jeans, leggings and leather trousers are not permitted.
  • ¾ length trousers are only permitted if they are tailored just above the ankle.


  • No shorter than 10cm above the knee.
  • No skater skirts.
  • Must be loose fitting / no body con style skirts / no lycra / no denim / no leather


  • Smart style.
  • No shorter than 10cm above the knee.
  • Must be loose fitting / no body con style dresses / no lycra / no denim.
  • Must have wide fitting shoulder straps.
  • Thin or spaghetti straps are not permitted.


  • Smart plain, striped or pattered shirts with collar.
  • Shirts should be buttoned up.
  • Ties are optional.


  • No low cut tops or short tops showing off the midriff.
  • T shirts cannot have slogans or logos.


  • Smart plain jumpers or cardigans.
  • They must not be sweatshirts, hoodies, nor must they have any slogans written on them.


  • Smart shoes.
  • It must be a sensible heel if heels are chosen.
  • Flip flops, trainers, converse, canvas and Doc Martin boots are not permitted.


  • Only ear piercings are allowed.
  • Ear stretchers are not permitted.
  • Other jewellery should be kept to a minimum, suitable for a school environment.
  • Hair colour should be natural and cut in a style suitable for school.

Coats must be off when inside the building. Denim / leather jackets are not permitted.

Lanyards must be worn at all times

Phones / Headphones / Airpods - these are only permitted inside G block when not in lessons - They must be put away when leaving G block and must not be seen around the school site in line with whole school rules.