It is a pleasure that we can share our latest report, following our recent full Ofsted inspection which took place on 18-19 April 2023.
As you will read, we continue to be a good school with two aspects of the inspection judgements deemed to be ‘Outstanding’. The first is the superb Personal Development our students receive, which includes opportunities such as; our bespoke Healthy Living and form time curriculums, careers guidance, our enrichment and electives programme, clubs, trips, DofE, and the CCF. The second area is the exemplary Sixth Form provision we provide for all of our Post-16 students.
We are immensely proud of the wealth of positive aspects of our school highlighted in the report and would like to thank the whole school community for their continued support and positive engagement with our journey.
You will see in the report that we have two key areas of development. Both of these were recognised by the inspection team as aspects that we have “detailed plans to address” and that we have “already begun to take effective action”. We have every confidence that our plans will make a huge difference for our students and families.
Even though we are proud of how this report shows the best of Southfield, we are not complacent. It goes without saying that everyone involved with the school wants to continue moving the school forward, positively, with high expectations across the board.