From September 2024 we will have the following school timings which now include movement time.
Mon / Tues / Thu / Fri |
Wed only |
Lesson 1 |
0825 - 0925 |
0825 - 0925 |
Lesson 2 |
0930 - 1030 |
0930 - 1030 |
Break |
1030 - 1050 |
1030 - 1045 |
Form Time |
1050 - 1115 |
N/A |
Lesson 3 |
1120 - 1220 |
1045 - 1145 |
Lesson 4 |
1225 - 1325 |
1150 - 1250 |
Lunch |
1325 - 1405 |
1250 - 1330 |
Lesson 5 |
1405 - 1505 |
N/A |
Electives |
N./A |
1330 - 1430 |
There is 5 minutes of movement time between Lesson 1 and 2, and then again between Lesson 3 and 4 to enable students to get to the next room they are timetabled to be in.
There is no form time session on a Wednesday
Electives only occur on a Wednesday afternoon, instead of Lesson 5
On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday the school day ends at 1505, on a Wednesday the school day ends for students at 1430
Who is my first point of contact if I want to discuss anything relating to my child with the school?
The form tutor
How is the school structured?
Deputy Headteacher
5 Assistant Headteachers and 2 Associate Assistant Headteachers
Strategic Lead - Heads of Year.
Heads of Year for each year group
Personal tutors
How can I find out in advance about organised school trips on offer to my child?
The best place is the schools website. You will also get information electronically.
How are students rewarded?
Positive behaviours are acknowledged for a wide range of aspects both in and out of the classroom as shown below. We organise rewards trips at the end of the school year for the top 40-50 points scorers in each year group.
What is expected from my child at the different Key Stages of her experience at Southfield?
Please look at the curriculum area on the school website where you will find details for each subject
What differences/changes can my child expect following her move from primary education?
She will have a full timetable and will be moving around the school to her lessons and not be based in one class or area. She will have different teachers for different subjects and is likely to have an increased amount of homework, which will need to be handed in at different times. Due to her timetable she may only see her close friends during lunchtime or at breaks. Initially this may be quite stressful for her and she will need your support and encouragement as she becomes used to the new system and increased workload.
How does setting/streaming work at Southfield?
Students in Year 7 are in mixed ability groups in most subjects until Christmas. Students will then be setting from January by ability, apart from in creative and practical subjects where they remain in mixed ability groups. Setting decisions are based on internal assessments. These internal assessments take various forms including written, online and teacher judgement. Sets are then reviewed throughout the year and changes are made as required. Again, this is done based on internal assessment. There is always a set review at the end of the academic year ready for the following September.
Please be aware that students in all sets can make good progress. Progress is an individual measure for every individual child and is not the same as attainment and not linked to any other student. Therefore attainment on assessments, which can be compared to other students, is used to make set changes.
How is my child's progress measured at the school?
Parents receive a progress report (for some year groups this is 2) and a full report each year. The reports show how the students are progressing compared to their expected attainment. This is not linked or compared to any other student.
How does the school communicate with parents?
We use Arbor and primary carers will receive any school letters and other communications electronically via email.
Parents can also log into the Arbor Portal. This displays progress reports along with timetables and attendance information.
There is a parents' evening every year when parents have an opportunity to meet with their child’s subject teachers.
For all the latest news the best place to go is the schools website or follow us on twitter @SouthfieldSch or our Facebook Page
What happens if the school bus is late?
If the bus is late then the girls should sign in at reception, via our Lewis Road entrance.
What is the procedure if my child is ill?
If your child is ill then parents should contact school to let them know and then provide a note on their child’s return. If we haven’t heard from parents that their child is ill then they will receive a text message or a phone call to confirm the reason for the absence. When leaving a voicemail, 01536 513063, please state child's name, form and reason for absence,
How does the Canteen work?
We now have cashless catering which makes life much easier! The students are finger scanned at the beginning of the year and parents can put money on their Arbor payment account online. Students may bring packed lunches but these should be eaten in the canteen. Please note we are now a completely cashless site. No cash will be accepted in the canteen or at 'The Shack'