
Studying Physics expands your options. Needed for many careers in science and engineering the skills and knowledge that you can develop by studying physics keeps the door open to doing just about everything else. 

Physics is an exciting subject, providing insight into the world around us. It has been developed by some of the greatest minds through the ages, with brilliant breakthroughs even in the last few years. Physics challenges our imaginations with concepts that range from tiny inter-molecular particles to huge things like entire solar systems. Physicists jobs lead to great discoveries, like computers and lasers, that lead to technologies which change our lives. It is fascinating how much we already know about how the Universe behaves, yet mindboggling how much we don't.

Our aim as a department is to provide students with opportunities to have a clearer understanding of motion, energy, electricity, magnetism and the laws that govern the physical universe. Studying Physics enables students to develop their analytical and problem-solving skills. Physics concepts challenge students to be curious and to ask the question 'how do things happen?' We take the mathematical tools that students have learnt and apply them to real world problems. There is an emphasis on developing investigative skills in order to confidently complete a number of required practicals throughout KS4 and 5. 
From cancer treatment to tackling climate change, gaming to robotics and artificial intelligence, physics and physicists are on the front line, helping to shape the future. At a time when jobs are changing, physics offers a vast and expanding range of career paths. Therefore we aim to not only learn the content and skills needed for examinations and further study, but to encourage our students to be critical and creative thinkers and problem solvers.

KS3-4 Pathways (Southfield) GCSE Physics
KS4-5 Pathways (Southfield) A Level Physics, Applied Science
KS5- Higher & Further Education
Examples include BSc Physics, BSc Astrophysics, BSc Physics with Particle Physics & Cosmology, BSc Medical Physics, BEng Mechanical engineering, BEng Chemical Engineering, BEng Aerospace Engineering, BSc Computer Games Design, LLB Law
Some example in apprenticeships include civil engineering, software development, sound technician, radiotherapy engineering)
Careers  Astronomy and Space, Climate science and meteorology, Cyber Security, Engineering, Aerospace, Medical physics and digital healthcare, Renewable energy, Robotics and AI, Visual effects (VFX) and Gaming, Teacher, Lecturer, Finance and Law, Television Presenter, Scientific Journalism
KS4 Specification links
KS5 Specification links