The course aims to establish and sustain positive behaviours when it comes to the health and well-being of our students, both during their time at Southfield and beyond. The course is underpinned by three distinct themes; Social Me, Physical Me and Thinking Me which link all aspects of the course. Whilst developing student understanding of these themes, we aim to to ensure all students apply the expected approach to learning and values of the school on a daily basis.
The course combines a number of traditional disciplines in Year 7 and 8 to connect the curriculum and at the same time reduce the number of staff that students encounter through their timetables, in doing so we hope to build relationships and ease the transitional experience from Year 6 to KS3 and beyond. The social, physical and cognitive well-being of our students is our priority from the moment they enter the school.
GCSE Physical Education (AQA)
GCSE Dance (AQA)
GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition (AQA)
AQA A Level Physical Education.
BSc (Hons)Sport and Exercise Science Drama, BA (Hons)Physical Education and Sport, BA (Hons) Sport Management, BA (Hons) Sports Coaching, BA (Hons) Sport and Exercise Therapy, Msc Strength and Conditioning and Drama, Diploma in Professional Acting or Professional Musical Theatre.
Key questions/concepts
Who am I?
Scale (local - national - global) and introduction to SDGs
Understanding emotions and relationships
Nutritional snacks and introduction to fundamental movement skills
Key vocabulary
Wider reading
Understanding mental health and the impact bullying has upon it
What makes a healthy plate and how can I balance my meals?
What is good feedback and how can I act on it?
What is a postive relationship?
What is puberty and what can I expect?
Understanding and exploration of the United Nations
Making cultural connections through sport and nutrition
What is a career?
What is empathy?
How can I develop my leadership qualities through physical activity?
How can I adapt my eating habits for a sustainable world?
What is oracy?
What are stereotypes, discrimination and racism?
What is the role of women in society and other cultures?
What is a personal fitness regime?
How can I adapt unhealthy recipes into healthy meals?
Introduction to forgetting curve, memory and retrieval, dual coding, spaced practice and interleaving
What does democracy and politics look like?
Making positive lifestyle choices that could impact health
What is radicalisation, extremism and islamaphobia?
What is addiction?
What are special dietary requirements?
Recalling Oracy skills and applying them to MACE debates
What is sexual health, intimacy and consent?
How does quality sleep have an impact on health?
How do other countries and cultures create balanced meals?
Exploration of origins and growth in sports
Personal development and growth linked to careers
How can I be safe online?
What is global warming and how do our actions impact it?
Why are people homeless and how does domestic conflict impact this?
What different eating habits do other cultures have?
Exploration of winning, losing and sportsmanship
Diverse voices - the rise of political movements (feminism, BLM, transphobia etc.)
How can peer pressure impact on body image and how is this seen through the media?
How has dance changed through the years?
What is obesity and how can you understand nutritional health to combat this?
What is health and well-being and how can we protect ourselves?
How is food used as a celebration?
What pathways are available to me?
What is self-harm and why do people do this?
Should we send aid to foreign countries - is aid the answer?
How can extreme views lead to human rights abuses and atrocities?
What does LGBTQ+ mean and how have attitudes changed?
How can I budget for meals and plan financially?
What is knife crime and how do people fall in to crime?
What goals and aspirations do I have in life?
How can ensure I maintain a healthy approach to food and exercise?
How can we manage the stress of school and exams?
Exploring gender identity in the modern world
Understanding marriage and long term commitment
Understanding the difference between alcohol addiction and binge drinking
Refining Basketball knowledg
Developing tactical awareness in Badminton
The ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level.
Avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance
Reviewing knowledge on online safety and grooming
Reviewing Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
Exploring human rights
Understanding domestic violence
Appreciating the psychological impact of female genital mutilation (FGM)
Performing at maximum capacity in sporting activities
Developing tactical understanding for a variety of striking and fielding games
Uses two top columns (the “cue” and “note” columns), together with a single bottom row (the summary section) to record notes.
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