A Level French

‘Why should I study French?’

  • A level French gives you the unique opportunity to study multiple subjects in one: politics, history, sociology, literature, film, music, philosophy, law.
  • You have the freedom to focus on your own areas of interest by completing an Independent Research Project, which will form part of the speaking exam. This can be on any topic related to the Francophone world.
  •  French is the most sought after second language for jobs in the UK. With only 38% of Britons being able to speak a foreign language, having French on your CV will greatly enhance your career prospects.
  • It shows you are a good communicator and will give you an edge in competitive courses such as medicine, law, business, politics and national security. It is also highly respected by Russell group universities and Oxbridge.
  • Being able to speak another language will open up travel opportunities such as studying abroad at university, working for an international organisation, and volunteering, as well as exposing you to cultures beyond France including Canada, Africa and Switzerland.


'What will I study?'

In the first year of study:

  • You will learn about aspects of French-speaking society such as the changing nature of families, including LGBT+ rights, the impact of technology on society, and how volunteering can lead to social and economic change.
  • You will discover Francophone culture through music, cinema, national heritage and authentic sources.
  • You will begin studying La Haine, a French social thriller film, directed by Mathieu Kasovitz. The film follows a group of friends in a poor suburb of Paris which is battling with violence and tensions between police and immigrants.
  • There will be a focus on grammar and language skills such as summarising and translating.

In the second year of study:

  • You will progress to more polemical topics such as immigration, diversity, the justice system, and politics.
  • You will study No et moi by Delphine de Vigan, a novel which examines homelessness through its impact on the lives of two young women.
  • You will develop your Independent Research Project on a topic of your choice related to the Francophone world.