A Level English-Language

“Why should I study English Language?”

English Language builds upon the skills gained at GCSE.  There are a variety of assessment styles used, such as data analysis, discursive essays, directed writing, original writing and research-based investigative writing.  This broad spectrum allows students to develop a wide range of skills. These include critical reading, data analysis, evaluation, the ability to develop and sustain arguments and a number of other communication skills which are invaluable for both further study and future employment.

“What will I study?”

English Language is a two year course with exams at the end of the second year and 20% Non-Examined Assessment. 

 In both courses you will cover:

  • Methods of language analysis
  • How people acquire language
  • Language and representation
  • Language Diversity and Global English
  • Language Change
  • Writing skills
  • Original Writing for different audiences and purposes
  • Discursive essay writing skills